Thursday, 17 October 2013

Tips To Quit Smoking

Tips to quitsmoking is a challenge. Some people try nicotine patches, gums and other aids but remain unsuccessful. The following are some practical tips that could help one stop the smoking habit indefinitely.
·         Commit yourself- once you decide to quit, be serious about your decision. Inform your family, make notes about it, and get a regular stop smoking aid. Once you reach the point at which you are fully committed about quitting, do not turn your back. By doing this, you will make it very hard for yourself to fail
·         Write down your Plan- You have to organize yourself. Know why you are quitting. Have anawards scheme where you reward yourself for not smoking.Build a support system by finding a friend you can call when you are tempted to smoke. You have to know what you plan to do when you get an urge to smoke. Once you write them down you are able to stay ahead of yourself. You will be able to fight them when they rise.
·         Always delay- When your cravings rise, do not ‘feed’ them. You should take a moment and wait to extinguish them. You can do this by:
- taking slow deep breaths.
-drink a cup of water.
-eat a snack. It can be gum or a fruit.
-calling that person who supports you.
 It is important to do whatever you want but the aim is to delay the craving.
·         Manage stress- Most people find themselves turning to cigarettes when they get stressed. The key to curb this is by maintaining a positive attitude. Avoid negative situations and whenever you find yourself in one, opt for calmer remedies such as self massage and slow deep breathing.
·         Do not do it alone- tell not only one person about it but also, as many people as you can. Form a support group and talk about how your experience is. These are the people you will find yourself turning to when the smoking urges overpower you. They will also motivate you and this will increase your drive.
·         Do not ever skip your meals – in each puff of nicotine you inhale, you lose a spoon of food that could have assisted in discharging stored fats and sugars into your blood stream. Smoking cigarettes allows one to skip meals without undergoing wild blood sugar symptoms,for instance lacking the ability to concentrate or hunger related fears. It is important not to add pointless symptoms to withdrawal but rather, to learn to spread normal daily calorie intake evenly. In addition, one should not eat more food often. Know your limit.
·         Drink plenty of juice and eat a lot of fruits- this will help the individual be able to accelerate the body. In addition, juice helps one be able to remove nicotine from your body and also, stabilize blood sugars. For juices, moderation is always the key.
·         Stay positive- this is the key factor in your journey towards quitting. You must cultivate a positive attitude. Continually encourage yourself that you can stop smoking and in the end you definitely will. Even with all the support there is, you cannot move forward if you do not support yourself first.
For this and more information, please click

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